January 14, 2024

Many people I encounter don't believe in Jesus because of what they think science says. Here is some history on evolution being taught in the classroom and scientific evidence against evolution.


There are five main topics when talking about Evolution.

1)     Origin of the universe

2)     Origin of life

3)     Age of the earth

4)     Biological evolution – one animal changing into a whole other kind of animal

5)     Fossil record

There are whole books written about each of these topics. In this discussion, I will only be briefly talking about two of these topics: Origan of the Universe and the Origan of Life.

You may be asking yourself, that if evolution isn’t true, why is it taught in schools and supported in most science magazines and major news outlets. Let’s go back to the publication of The Origin Of Species by Charles Darwin. His works gave the scientific community another possible explanation on how life began other than creationism.

The religious community realized there was an increased interest by the scientific community in Darwinism, so they set out to ban the teaching of evolution in schools. For many years there were laws against teaching evolution in class rooms. This took place in many school districts across the United States. However, in 1957, the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik led to new interest in science education in the United States. Evolutionists used this event to launch another campaign to have evolution be taught in schools. Also, in 1963 the Supreme Court banned organized Bible reading for religious and moral instruction.

In 1968 the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the laws that had banned the teaching of evolution.  Both Creationists and Evolutionists then campaigned for equal time in teaching evolution and creation science.

Evolutionists fought against “Equal Time” by trying to distinguish science from religion.  Evolutionists argued that science includes the following. 1) science works upon a foundation of natural law- it cannot explain away anomalies as “miracles”; 2) science makes predications by inference about what might occur; 3) scientists acknowledge the fact that their predictions could be wrong.

Ultimately, in 1982, an Arkansas judge ruled against the “Equal Time” Creation Science law on the following grounds: 1) Creation Science is religion; 2) to teach religion in the public schools is illegal; 3) Creation Science is not science. The same thing took place in the state of Louisiana in 1986. Basically, this is where we stand today in many states.

I believe it is pertinent to mention that currently, public students and teachers can legally read the Bible in their school, but I would argue that believers have encountered such resistance that they assume it is illegal. There are some school districts that have banned the Bible, not from a religious standpoint, but because it is argued to be too violent. With all that being said, there is strong evidence that suggests that God is not welcome in our public school systems.

Take note of the fact that evolutionists say that Creation Science is not “true” science, but religion. Also, recall the statement above that says science can’t explain away anomalies like
“miracles.” Evolutionists argue that Creation Science is not based on science but “faith.” True science includes the following: 1) observable 2) measurable 3) repeatable.

Let’s analyze the origin of the universe. Evolutionists believe it began with the “Big Bang.” Here are the facts about the Big Bang theory.

1)     A ball of energy the size of a pin-head came into existence.

2)     The ball of energy exploded

3)     All the matter in the universe came from this ball of energy and its explosion.

Where did this ball of energy come from? Science “law” says that matter cannot be created or destroyed but can only change form. For us to believe that a ball of energy came from nothing is breaking a science law! What caused the explosion? Can every single element in the world, every piece of matter, every star and the matter in it, come from a pin-sized head of energy? Does energy contain matter? Energy is the ability to do work; energy is not made of anything!

None of the Big Bang is observable, measurable or repeatable. It is not true science! In fact, I would argue that it takes a tremendous amount of faith, even for an evolutionist, to believe this theory. How is this not considered to be religion? Is not a pin-head sized ball of energy coming into existence out of nothing considered to be a miracle?

Let’s talk about the origin of life. Evolutionists believe that after billions of years the earth had perfect conditions for organic material to form and eventually to come together to form the first simple bacterial cell.

We know that cells are made up of proteins and that DNA is in charge of making proteins. A protein chain has at least one hundred amino acids in it, and amino acids are lined up in a very particular order. One amino acid in the wrong place in the protein chain renders the whole protein useless. DNA gives the instruction for the order in which the amino acids line up. The simplest bacteria are made up of hundreds of bacteria.

For the amino acids to line up on their own to form a useful protein in the correct order as evolutionists claim (no DNA involved), the mathematical chances of that happening is 1067 to 1. In other words, the mathematical probability that amino acids cannot form on their own in nature without DNA direction is 1067 to 1 chance they could.  Mathematicians would say this would be zero probability of ever happening.

Let’s imagine that in a million years a group of amino acids line up in the correct order, defeating those tremendous odds. Now what? There is one protein. A simple bacterium has hundreds of proteins. Can that protein stay viable for another million years for another one to form? Then another? DNA could not have formed first. It is extremely complex and ordered. If DNA were to form on its own, it could go together in 1087 different ways. It is impossible for DNA to form first. Even if it did, it is not protected by a cell yet. It would disintegrate immediately.

Is the process of the origin of life described by evolutionists observable, measurable and repeatable? Again, to believe life formed on earth as described by evolutionists takes a tremendous amount of faith to believe in.

The fact is, evolution is not true science. I have only touched on two scientific issues with evolution. There are many, many more. If one step in the evolution process breaks down, none of it works. I believe it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in an Almighty God.


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